雨果使用優秀的 Go html/template 庫作為模板引擎。 其為一款使用少量邏輯且非常輕量的引擎。 在我們的經驗裡,其保有創建靜態網站所需基礎的邏輯。

Hugo uses the excellent Go html/template library for its template engine. It is an extremely lightweight engine that provides a very small amount of logic. In our experience it is just the right amount of logic to be able to create a good static website.

雖然雨果有許多不同作用的模板,但大多數的網站只需使用少量模板就能構建完成。 因此別害怕種類眾多的模板,它們使雨果能構建複雜的網站,但更多時候只需要創建 /layouts/_default/single.html/layouts/_default/list.html

While Hugo has a number of different template roles, most complete websites can be built using just a small number of template files. Please don’t be afraid of the variety of different template roles. They enable Hugo to build very complicated sites. Most sites will only need to create a /layouts/_default/single.html & /layouts/_default/list.html

如果你初次接觸 Go 模板, Go Template Primer 會是一個好的開始。

If you are new to Go’s templates, the Go Template Primer is a great place to start.

如果你熟悉 Go 模板,也能學習更多關於雨果提供的 附加模板功能 t complete websites can be built using just a small number of template files 變數

If you are familiar with Go’s templates, Hugo provides some additional template functions and variables you will want to be familiar with.

主要模板 Primary Template roles

雨果運行有三種主要的模板類型。 There are 3 primary kinds of templates that Hugo works with.



Render a single piece of content


Page that list multiple pieces of content


The homepage of your site

輔助模板(可選) Supporting Template Roles (optional)

Hugo also has additional kinds of templates all of which are optional

Partial Templates

Common page parts to be included in the above mentioned templates

Content Views

Different ways of rendering a (single) content type

Taxonomy Terms

A list of the terms used for a specific taxonomy, e.g. a Tag cloud

其他模板(通常非必要) Other Templates (generally unnecessary)


Used to render all rss documents


Used to render the XML sitemap


此模板將創建一個在輯頁面上託管時使用的 404.html 頁面。

This template will create a 404.html page used when hosting on GitHub Pages


This template will override the default page used to create aliases of pages.