預設情況下,內容被放置於 publishdir(預設:public)的目標命名空間並與 contentdir 的階層相匹配。 網站配置選項 permalinks 允許你去調整每部分的基礎。 它將改變文件被寫入的位置和改變頁面內部「標準的(”canonical”)」位置。 參考 .RelPermalink 的模板會遵守此選項的映射結果做調整。

By default, content is laid out into the target publishdir (public) namespace matching its layout within the contentdir hierarchy. The permalinks site configuration option allows you to adjust this on a per-section basis. This will change where the files are written to and will change the page’s internal “canonical” location, such that template references to .RelPermalink will honour the adjustments made as a result of the mappings in this option.

例如,如果你有一個部分是 post,然後你想要基於年月份去調整標準的路徑階層,那麼你可以這樣使用:

For instance, if one of your sections is called post, and you want to adjust the canonical path to be hierarchical based on the year and month, then you might use:

  post: /:year/:month/:title/

只有 post/ 下的內容會被重寫。 包含 date: 2013-11-18T19:20:00-05:00 且被命名為 content/post/sample-entry 的文件最終的渲染頁會出現在 public/2013/11/sample-entry/index.html 且到達網址改為透過 http://yoursite.example.com/2013/11/sample-entry/

Only the content under post/ will be so rewritten. A file named content/post/sample-entry which contains a line date: 2013-11-18T19:20:00-05:00 might end up with the rendered page appearing at public/2013/11/sample-entry/index.html and be reachable via the URL http://yoursite.example.com/2013/11/sample-entry/.

以下為 permalink 定義的可用值列表。 其中引用的時間都取決於內容的 date

The following is a list of values that can be used in a permalink definition. All references to time are dependent on the content’s date.

  • :year 四碼數字的年份。 the 4-digit year
  • :month 兩碼數字的月份。 the 2-digit month
  • :monthname 月份的英文名。 the name of the month
  • :day 兩碼數字的日期。 the 2-digit day
  • :weekday 一碼數字的星期(如:Sunday = 0)。 the 1-digit day of the week (Sunday = 0)
  • :weekdayname 星期的英文名。 the name of the day of the week
  • :yearday 一至三碼的數字,一年當中的第幾日。 the 1- to 3-digit day of the year
  • :section 內容的部分(content/"section")。 the content’s section
  • :title 內容的標題。 the content’s title
  • :slug the content’s slug (or title if no slug)
  • :filename 內容的檔名(不含副檔名)。 the content’s filename (without extension)